Sunday, February 24, 2013

Guest Playdate #3: "Her Type of Guy"

Time again for another installment of The Yoda and Dinah Show.  Thanks as always to The Irredeemable Shag for donating these pics.

The Yoda and Dinah Show part 3, courtesy of The Irredeemable Shag.

You can follow Shag over at Firestorm Fan and listen to the epic Fire and Water Podcast which you can download and listen to anytime you're craving the kind of high-minded discussion that only Aquaman and Firestorm fans can provide!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Out of Context 10: "Killer Legs"

From Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters #1, art by Mike Grell.
Every Thursday, Flowers & Fishnets provide a panel that--when taken out of context from the rest of the page--may be funny, suggestive, or just dumb.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Black Canary doesn't play a large part in the concluding chapter of "Throne of Atlantis" in this week's issue of Justice League, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't read it.  The first ever crossover between Justice League and Aquaman ends with all of the action and pathos you'd expect from Geoff Johns and the law firm of Reis, Prado and Reis.

Black Canary with Firestorm, Zatanna and Black Lightning. Art by Ivan Reis.

Even though Team 7 is getting canned, this issue wraps up with a tease of three new teams.  The Justice League of America, which also debuts today, doesn't seem to include Black Canary, but maybe she can find her way into the ranks of the expanded Justice League.  Or The Legion of Doom!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Trauma Tuesday #7

From Flash Comics #94, art by Carmine Infantino.

Disclaimer:  While reading my copy of The Black Canary Archives Volume 1, I discovered the ridiculous trend that Dinah got knocked unconscious every single issue.  Now, I've been knocked cold before, and that $#@% is really dangerous.  Kanigher and Infantino either didn't realize how unhealthy it was, or they didn't care, because Black Canary would have been reduced to a drooling vegetable by her third solo adventure.

I dedicate a regular blog update to the panels showing these injuries to spotlight the ridiculousness and repetitiveness--and laziness--of the kind of storytelling common during this era of comic book publishing.  In no conceivable way do I endorse any sort of violence against women (or men).

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Guest Playdate #2: "Size Matters"

Time again for another installment of The Yoda and Dinah Show.  Thanks as always to The Irredeemable Shag for donating these pics.

The Yoda and Dinah Show part 2, courtesy of the Irredeemable Shag.
You can follow Shag over at Firestorm Fan and listen to the epic Fire and Water Podcast which you can download and listen to anytime you're craving the kind of high-minded discussion that only Aquaman and Firestorm fans can provide!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Preview of JUSTICE LEAGUE #17

The conclusion to the Justice League/Aquaman crossover, "Throne of Atlantis", hits shelves next week.  A preview of the first five pages has hit several news sites.  Of note for Black Canary fans is the double-page splash (heh) on pages 4 and 5 featuring the replacement Justice League members fighting off hordes of Atlanteans led by Ocean Master.

From Justice League #17, art by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado & Rod Reis.
Never fear surface dwellers.  You're safe in the hands of Firestorm, the Element-Woman, Black Lightning, Vixen, Zatanna, and -- right smack in the middle -- our own Dinah herself!

Gives a whole new meaning to her fishnet stockings.
No sign of Hawkman or Atom on these pages, but Hawkman got pretty well banged up last chapter.  And the image might just be too pixelated to see Atom.

Out of Context #9: A Little Grundy Goes A Long Way

From Justice Society of America (1991) #2, art by Grant Miehm.
Every Thursday, Flowers & Fishnets provide a panel that--when taken out of context from the rest of the page--may be funny, suggestive, or just dumb.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Trauma Tuesday #6

From Flash Comics #93, art by Carmine Infantino.

Disclaimer:  While reading my copy of The Black Canary Archives Volume 1, I discovered the ridiculous trend that Dinah got knocked unconscious every single issue.  Now, I've been knocked cold before, and that $#@% is really dangerous.  Kanigher and Infantino either didn't realize how unhealthy it was, or they didn't care, because Black Canary would have been reduced to a drooling vegetable by her third solo adventure.

I dedicate a regular blog update to the panels showing these injuries to spotlight the ridiculousness and repetitiveness--and laziness--of the kind of storytelling common during this era of comic book publishing.  In no conceivable way do I endorse any sort of violence against women (or men).

Monday, February 11, 2013

Solicits: Canary Comics for May '13

Here be the known books that Black Canary will be featured in during the month of May, 2013.

Art by Romano Molenaar.


Written by Christy Marx
Art and cover by Romano Molenaar and Vicente Cifuentes
On sale May 15  +  32 pg, FC, $2.99 US  +  Rated T
  • The traitor revealed!  Who will aid Mr. Freeze as he continues his onslaught against The Court of Owls -- and how can the Birds hope to stop him?

Art by Gary Frank.

TEAM 7 #8

Written by Justin Jordan
Art by Pascal Alixe and Jesus Merino
Cover by Gary Frank and Cam Smith
On sale May 8  +  32 pg, FC, $2.99 US  +  Rated T
  • Revealed: What broke Team 7 apart -- and set Black Canary, Amanda Waller, Deathstroke and Majestic on the rocky road they travel today?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Guest Playdate #1: "Yoda Was Wrong"

The Irredeemable Shag, creator of Firestorm Fan, has had a crappy start to the weekend with DC announcing the cancelation of The Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man.  Despite this bad news, Shag has been generous enough to provide Flowers & Fishnets with some "playdate" scenes he created featuring Black Canary and Master Yoda.

The Yoda and Dinah Show part 1, courtesy of the Irredeemable Shag
Throughout February, I'll be uploading the four parts of The Yoda and Dinah Show each weekend.  It's how I support Black History Month Valentine's Day-Month.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Breaking (Bad) News: TEAM 7 Cancelled

Team 7, one of Dinah Lance's regular hangouts in the New 52, has been cancelled.  The final issue of the series will be May's issue #8.

I read issues #0 and #1 of this series, and that was really all I could do by way of supporting it.  I thought the concept was lacking and the execution awful.  I'm disappointed there will be one less series starring Black Canary on the stands, but clearly this series wasn't helping her popularity.  Plus, maybe she'll have more time to hang out with the Big Guns over in Justice League.

Cover for Team 7 #6, art by... who cares?

Team 7 premiered with a #0 issue in last september.  It's final issue will make the ninth in the series.  DC has also announced the cancellation of Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Man, The Savage Hawkman, Deathstroke, Ravagers, and Sword of Sorcery.  If you see Shag Braverton at Firestorm Fan or Luke at Being Carter Hall, give them a hug.

Go Read GREEN ARROW #17...

My other medium is a #@%$ing TV show!
Black Canary is nowhere to be found in the pages of the most recent issue of GREEN ARROW, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't go out and buy it right now.  Even though, to my knowledge, there has been no indication of any relationship between the Emerald Archer and the Blonde Bombshell in the New 52 so far, I still consider Ollie a part of Dinah's extended family.

More than that, though, it's just a really great issue.  Newly minted superstar writer Jeff Lemire delivers the Green Arrow story that should have launched in September 2011.  He's partnered with the phenomenal Andrea Sorrentino on art.  Sorrentino's work blew me away on the first issue of the New 52's I, Vampire, but I just couldn't bring myself to follow that comic every month.

From Green Arrow #17, art by Andrea Sorrentino.
I tweeted my praise for this issue yesterday morning.  It was then retweeted by Lemire, Sorrentino, and Justice League Dark artist Mikel Janin.  Hells yeah!

This run is barely a day old, but I'm already signed on for the long haul.  Hopefully, we can expect a Black Canary appearance or two (or seven) before the end.

Out of Context #8: Greedy Green Arrow

From Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters #1, art by Mike Grell.
Every Thursday, Flowers & Fishnets provide a panel that--when taken out of context from the rest of the page--may be funny, suggestive, or just dumb.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Black Canary by Marcio Takara.

I've recently discovered the art of Marcio Takara due to his work on last year's The Flash Annual #1.  Doing a quick google image search of his work, I found this impressive piece collecting one hundred heroic characters from comics and video games.

After he drew the Adam West Batman in Bat-dance pose, none of the other characters mattered.
His character portraits are very stylish and "bright", and has a very Young Justice animated style.  His contribution to the Flash annual, which is only three pages, is a lot more straightforward: very simple panel construction and layout, which is different from the Francis Manapul style that makes The Flash one of the Top 5 best books of the New 52.
Seriously, Rob Liefeld, you couldn't even draw feet this simple?
Takara has also drawn issues from the New 52 Blue Beetle series, Mark Waid's Incorruptible and The Incredibles: Family Matters.  Dude has got some artistic chops and I wouldn't mind seeing him get more high profile work from DC or Marvel.  I certainly would have no problem with him drawing a Birds of Prey issue if the below image is any indication of how he'd depict Dinah.
When she takes her jacket off, her cup size increases by three.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Trauma Tuesday #5

From Comics Cavalcade #25, art by Carmine Infantino.

Disclaimer:  While reading my copy of The Black Canary Archives Volume 1, I discovered the ridiculous trend that Dinah got knocked unconscious every single issue.  Now, I've been knocked cold before, and that $#@% is really dangerous.  Kanigher and Infantino either didn't realize how unhealthy it was, or they didn't care, because Black Canary would have been reduced to a drooling vegetable by her third solo adventure.

I dedicate a regular blog update to the panels showing these injuries to spotlight the ridiculousness and repetitiveness--and laziness--of the kind of storytelling common during this era of comic book publishing.  In no conceivable way do I endorse any sort of violence against women (or men).

Monday, February 4, 2013

Canary Comics for February

Here be the known books that Black Canary will be featured in during the month of February, 2013.  I've included the new issue of Justice League, as Dinah has been appearing in the "Throne of Atlantis" crossover story.  And if things go well, she could be a more frequent visitor to the series going forth.

Art by Romano Molenaar.
  • The Birds are trapped fighting Basilisk--in total darkness!
  • Something strange is happening to Black Canary... and only one man can be responsible.  But Kurt Lance died years ago--right?

  • Written by Dwayne Swierczynski
  • Art by Romano Molenaar

Art by Ivan Reis.
  • The epic, full-length conclusion to "Throne of Atlantis" hits as Aquaman and the League make a sinister discovery that changes both the outcome of the war and the future of the Justice League!
  • What is THE GRID--and what does it mean to expanding the Justice League?

  • Written by Geoff Johns
  • Art by Ivan Reis

TEAM 7 #5
Art by Gary Frank.
  • The secret history of the DCU's original Cyborg Program!
  • Who is Spartan? And what is the threat of the Majestic Program?
  • Slade Wilson takes his first steps down the path that will lead to his becoming Deathstroke!

  • Written by Justin Jordan
  • Art by Pascal Alixe

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Check out "Throne of Atlantis"

If, like me, you've been less than thrilled with DC's New 52 Birds of Prey and Team 7, but you still want to get your Black Canary fix, good news!  Dinah has appeared in JUSTICE LEAGUE #16 and AQUAMAN #16 as part of the stellar "Throne of Atlantis" crossover.  Without spoiling too much, the League's starters get in more trouble than they can handle and need to bring up some of their benchwarmers.

From Justice League #16, art by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado.
Obviously, I'm a Dinah fan, and I think she deserves a seat among the world's greatest superheroes.  Even without her meta-human "canary cry", simply being one of the Top 5 greatest hand-to-hand fighters is enough to make her worthy of, at minimum, a second tier Justice League team.  But I was fine having her star in BoP and leaving it at that (if it was written better).  I didn't need to see her on the main Justice League title... until I saw the above panel.  Just a glimpse of how Ivan Reis draws Dinah has made a covetous bastard out of me.

Now I badly want to see Black Canary join the Justice League lineup so I can see more of the brilliant art team of Reis/Prado/Reis drawing Dinah!