Some time ago, I appeared on the April 17th episode of "Her Dork World, His Dork World", a live radio show on the VOC Nation Radio Network. Show hosts Dean Compton and Emily Scott invited me on to take part in a discussion of Black Canary, her place as a superhero icon in comics, and her role in the gender dynamics of popular fiction.

The interview and thus my part of the episode begins at roughly the 15-minute mark, but I encourage everyone to listen to the whole episode because Dean and Emily have a nice discussion about female-driven stories and movies in the first segment, and they namedrop Paul Dini, the writer of the upcoming graphic novel Black Canary/Zatanna: Bloodspell.
I had a great time appearing on the show and talking Black Canary with two passionate and involved fans. Dean and Emily were wonderful, professional, and respectful hosts and they've made me a fan of not just Black Canary, but "Her/His Dork World". Check it out and enjoy the show!
Thanks for the kind words!