Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dragon Con 2014 Cosplay Crossover

My best friend, Shag Suarez of Firestorm Fan, recently returned from Dragon Con 2014 with tons of photographic evidence that will eventually be used against him in court.  I have never attended Dragon Con, nor have I seen any pictures of actual dragons there, but what the con definitely has an abundance of is cosplayers.  Dedicated, talented cosplayers.

If you squint, you might find Brother Power the Geek in the above photo!

There were, of course, a handful of Black Canary cosplayers in attendance.  At least one woman wore the classic fishnets, but the new standard for Canary cosplay that I've noticed in photos from every convention is the version worn by Caity Lotz in CW's Arrow.

At least it's a cool, sexy costume.  One of the cosplayers even brought a version of the character's handheld sonic weapon, her own little take on the Canary Cry.

The Arrow Canary might be the new norm in cosplay, but that doesn't mean there aren't adventurous women willing to think outside the box when it comes to dressing like the Blonde Bombshell.  One woman even dressed as the DC Bombshells nightclub singer version of Black Canary.

The photos used in this post were taken by Shag.  You can see dozens more at his Flickr and other pages for Dragon Con 2014.

But hey, this is a DC Blogosphere crossover!  For more iconic DC heroes and villains, check out the veritable Justice League of Bloggers listed below.


  1. Having to be careful of all the bows and quivers around Dragon Con thanks to "Arrow" and "Hunger Games" makes navigating the convention more dangerous than previous years!

  2. Wait until next year with all of the Firestorm cosplayers with open flames on their heads!

  3. The group shot is amazing. I really like the Solomon Grundy and the Lex Luther in Armor costumes in the front.

  4. I agree that the Grundy is great, but so is Lex. So are all of them.

  5. I love seeing creative interpretations of classic characters.
